Monday, July 4, 2016


So here I shall keep a batch of my thought bubbles on Epcot.

Thought bubble #1: There is a bunch of countries in Epcot... and the thing that bothers me is the Africa area

  1. that's a continent not a country...Okay, I get it the sponsor for that area pulled out and people had to put something there...Why choose Africa? I mean there are how many countries that could go there? I mean if it was Greece; Hercules and other characters could be there, though I can kind of see why...finding somebody for Hercules (not to mention other characters) seems rather hard. It could be Antarctica, as it's also a continent and would/could be a great place to cool off since everything is outside in the ever so loving Florida sun...mean problem is the turning that area into a colder area (probably making it an inside location) the food to serve (ice cream and such sounds great) and what to wear...I suggest a penguin themed outfit...Or maybe as a third crazy out-there idea: It could be like Atlantis, there is the Ariel movies and a Disney Atlantis movie so it's not too out-there(...just not crazy successful) and could still be an area to cool off just; still the issue on making it, the food and clothes....would seafood be a bad thing to serve?
  2.  there is Morocco in Epcot which is an African country nowhere near the Africa area....Also I get not everything is in a semi-reasonable location to each other in Epcot to the the actual locations Mexico is closer to Canada than the U.S. so why should Africa be closer to an African country...well for that very reason. 
  3. it's a terrible representation of Africa as a whole... A bunch of people, not just in this location complain about authenticity of what they wear alone...those are more traditional/stereotyped clothes that people don't wear. Normally one has to be from the area they work in...but not Africa, which is really weird...On top of that not all of Africa is like that, it's an entire continent so it's hard to get everything, but it seems they picked the most stereotypical...
It bothers me how does Epcot stand for Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow if it seems like everything is standing in the past rather than a tomorrow.

Thought Bubble #2: Why can't a large portion/all of Epcot be an indoors meets outdoors...Florida is hot, and there are posters and reminders to be safe and stay hydrated. Staying hydrated can be rather hard when one has a history and while in the Florida sun for hours and no this doesn't just apply to guest. If anything I'm more worried about the workers at the carts; not the coolest environment, shade not the most dependable thing, and so on. When it rains it ruins things; sales because people leave or just stay somewhere to stay dry, moods, schedules, rides (specifically test track but that is an entirely different thought bubble), etc..So why hasn't a solution come up? It's nature and we can't do anything, plus how else would be able to to the fireworks show? Once again, what does Epcot stand for? Is it really that hard to come up with something?

Thought Bubble #3: Test track....that's right it gets it's own thought bubble. It's partially inside and partially outside, so when rain/weather happens it goes down and needs to be's Florida and weather/rain happens a lot and not always planned for. Also I could've sworn there was this thing against letting people see back areas, which are totally see-able on the outside portion of the ride...Oh just me never-mind then...

Thought Bubble #4: Outfits... Yes the very thing that some people complain nobody from their country wears. Another random thing that bothers me on outfits besides that little snippet is the clothes for some workers that one can see over a very large portion of Epcot, the flags shirt outfit. Yes it's a bunch of flags to represent all the countries, but not every country in Epcot is on that shirt...technically shouldn't every flag not just in Epcot but the whole world be on there? Couldn't any color bottoms work just as fine with that shirt? Black, denim, blue, beige (personal favorite is the denim one)...But why white? (By the why that question is for every outfit that has white bottom) Sure it shows cleanliness...but mother nature does always see eye to eye on that, and I'm sure somebody got that reference.

There is no experimental prototype of tomorrow only an Expensively Passive Community of Today, it costs a lot with no attempt to really move forward with technology or as a community...sure Future World tries but it's more educational now...but the rest of Epcot not so much.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

-Rolls around-

I'm terrible at remembering to update this, with my binge-watching of shows, playing games and work. -Thunk- I'm a monster...

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

I'm back

So I randomly went on hiatus without saying anything, honestly because I forgot to -nervous laughter-
Just came back to see:
European Union laws require you to give European Union visitors information about cookies used on your blog. In many cases, these laws also require you to obtain consent. As a courtesy, we have added a notice on your blog to explain Google's use of certain Blogger and Google cookies, including use of Google Analytics and AdSense cookies. You are responsible for confirming this notice actually works for your blog, and that it displays. If you employ other cookies, for example by adding third party features, this notice may not work for you. Learn more about this notice and your responsibilities.
I was "Whhaaaaaat?" When did this even happen? I tried seeing it...but since I don't live in the European Union, it took a bit longer to find said notice.
Honestly I don't use cookies on the blog; like I might eat cookies while typing or take pictures of cookies but that's it. I did use AdSense, till I realized it was never going to work. If there is cookies I have no clue about them...please tells me about them~

Will write updates in my insanity every day I get with a story that was amusing...till I run out...

Monday, April 27, 2015

Monday, April 20, 2015

Quote of the week

The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win.
- Sir Roger Bannister

Monday, April 13, 2015

Quote of the week

It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.
- Theodore Roosevelt

Monday, April 6, 2015

Quote of the week

Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections, but instantly set about remedying them - every day begin the task anew.
- Saint Francis de Sales