

Hello world,
I am "Otaku", and I have tons of nicknames but that is the one I will use the most.
I basically run this whole thing by my self, so it will update slowly in the beginning. At first, the idea for blogging was my mom's, but she got tired of hers and deleted it....so this is going to be similar to it in some senses (she likes monster movies). The many point of this is to review many things: movies, anime, and manga...and just a plain blog for me to say random things. I had another blog, but moved it here (changed lots of things: quote of the day to quote of the week, no more weekly video updates, and adding more pictures).
I love adding pictures to my posts >.<
If there are any questions, comments, or suggestions....my e-mail is otaku.tan4lm.c@gmail.com...or you can just leave comments on posts :)

Crazy Freak

Is in the contributors section as 'Psycho' to save space and to be on the same line as the gif.
***To be added later***

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