Saturday, January 19, 2013

Trip to D.C. part 2

2:30 a.m. now in South Carolina. Finished watching mean girls. 5:47 a.m. now in North Carolina. 8:12 a.m. now in Virginia, amazing how quickly we are going, I totally forgot that the speed limit is higher so travel is faster.
Visited the Washington memorial/gift shop. Wow that shop was really tiny, nor did we get to send much time in there.

3:13 p.m. Holocaust museum, lots of I get lost easily. At certain points I had this weird feeling of foreboding...I mean I already know the general things I was going to see. I think I'm just crazy at this point.

5:50 p.m.just left Martin Luther King Jr. memorial, now on way to hotel now…lots if traffic so it will take awhile… 6:22 p.m. tree branches scraped on the window as I was half a sleep 0.o 6:40 p.m. I feel empty and yes now at the hotel after I thought we got slightly lost, just turns out that we had to make a u-turn. Ate Chinese food with roommates, about $25 for three lo mien ..and they didn't finish theirs, two even split one together. They said they wanted to watch "Big Bang Theory", yet talk loudly, and don't complain when I turn it off.

Wonderful window view of the parking garage-

Random comments about the day: Found out that some of the people are dating. And starting to understand the term "ratchet." Roommates, seem okay....starting to re-evaluate how I view them.

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