Monday, January 21, 2013

Trip to D.C. Part 4

Last day in D.C./ Inauguration Day. Woke up early, so I could make sure everything is packed. Turns out that one of the lucky people that got a ticket over slept. 6: 20 a.m. On the way to put things on the bus, I seemed to have dropped my vest for cosplay (which I had brought since it is one of my warmer clothing items). We were late leaving for the inauguration…just like most of the things that were planned, but it was the first time that the teacher has planned a field trip. Went on the metro, relatively no one there since it was early in the morning. While we were walking, turns out that somebody was wearing heals and had to take them off…which created a problem. So much walking, I think this counts as enough walking for the rest of the month.
So close to speakers O.o
Said snipers
 Found a spot to "watch" the inauguration on the jumbo-tron; I say "watch" because most of the people were taller than me. Saw two snipers. Some of the other students got comfy by sitting,. There was an odd person standing by my section of the group…the person seemed nice (wishing to share food, since they were well prepared and that somebody was complaining that he/she was hungry); yet at the same time she was very selfish and didn't seem to teach her kids not to step on the American flag (batches of flags were being distributed, most-likely a "take one and pass it on " type thing to ensure that at least everyone got one… she decided that she needed about 6). I don't see why people found it so amazing, any president would say something to that effect (hopefulness, America is awesome and should strive for better, toss in some religion, and add some of the recent issues faced in the country).
After leaving the inauguration, more walking then I ever want in my life at once, we get to the metro to get to a meeting point with the people that had tickets; there was a slight issue were the group was separated.
Me and my lonesome
Metro where the group got a little separated

So everyone meets up at a mall, and everything seems to be calming out…suddenly something tragic happens to someone on the field trip. I am told to seat in an area, since I was with a chaperon and that they would come and pick me up when everything was settled... I agreed easily to it, since I get lost very easily especially when out of my comfort zone, and because I learned to always stay where I was last. Well turns out I was essentially ditched, which I realized about half-an- hour or so later… and I know that I have random abandonment fears, which lead to some crazy thoughts that I was actually forgotten (which I was shockingly semi okay with since I normally am forgotten)… I got hungry so I got food, and found someone that knew what was going on. Luck me :) Got on the bus, and I become greatly confused… 4:22 p.m. everyone on the bus seems to hate anime yet love sushi, and can't tell the difference between Japanese and Chinese food... I feel like Scar.
Shockingly I sleep most of the ride back to Florida, maybe because I was secretly crying myself to sleep, from the thoughts I had from when I was alone, and those were dark.
Watched "The Librarian: Quest for the Spear."
***Update: someone had found it and picked it up for me :)***

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