Sunday, January 20, 2013

Trip to D.C. part 3

Just woke up, and less than half an hour later at Starbucks...which would have been great, if I didn't feel like crap and a few other things.

Cow in-front of Ben & Jerry's, which was next to Starbucks.

10:45 Lincoln memorial. Was about to leave the memorial and the group decides to go back up, I stayed at the bottom to wait since I am not feeling well.

Ate at this place called Cosi, because most people in the group swear it's better than Panera, not too sure on what I ordered, but it was good...I liked the tomato basil, I got it since I liked the one at Medieval Times and since I was cold, looked different, but tasted pretty good.

 Looked at the German-American Friendship Garden.

Went to the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History. First we looked at the dinosaurs and slowly moved through evolution.

This was a really fun picture to take, since people were not reading the description, and thought that they were cannibalistic and were going to eat him....reality is that it was a neanderthal burial. Funny yet dark...--->

It was really hard to take a picture of the Hope Diamond, due to all of the lights on it, but it looks so cool. Dark history to it, that half my group didn't know...haha funny people indeed

This sculpture-like thing is really neat, it is a solid mineral and has not been tampered's sandstone.

Huge bug X.x

 Now in the insect and mummies section, since group wanted to look at mummies (which I was secretly happy, since I like many aspects of ancient Egypt). Turns out insects won most of the time in the section...nor was the mummies that interesting, or have such a huge section as the insects...oh well. Saw this really cool butterfly display though; the wings on some of them moved.

Me and my lonesome

 So bored, rest of the group is reenacting pictures of animals, it was amusing   they have terrible skill in trying to pose like an animal...even if its a monkey.

Yes, this is art...

We walked through the National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden. We didn't get to see everything though...

Stopped by Ford's Theater  to see where Lincoln was shoot, but they didn't have any open tours till Tuesday.

While waiting to see exactly where we are to meet up, I saw this cute fuzzy squirrel and it came really close to me, the closest a squirrel has ever come to me, I was so happy >.>
On the down side, someone in the lost a bag that they were carrying  since they put it down while he/she took a picture in the National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden.
 Yay, found the meeting point, for all the groups.

Took a class photo by the Supreme Court, which was cover for some reason with a to scale picture of the Supreme Court...and another successful picture I'm in that no one can see me.

5:02 p.m. Saw the Newseum, and then jumped over two rail barricade thingies.

Stopped by the Jefferson Memorial. to get dirt, don't know and not asking.  
5:43 p.m. back at the hotel

8:27 p.m. found out one of my roommates likes to take pictures without consent...yes I'm that one person that hates having pictures taken, and if she posts it anywhere....the joys I shall have
8:28 p.m. Raffled the inauguration tickets, since we only had ten...strike that 8, not sure why that chaperon was picked...though I guess we always need that overly spoiled child somewhere.

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